Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Accessibility 508

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This post is about the Section 508 of the accessibility act.


Lyr Lobo said...

Thanks, Carol, for your podcast on accessibility. It is an important subject and one that I consider when teaching and evaluating student work. *smiles*

A friend of mine is an accessibility expert and he advised me at the start of class that Blogger applies accessibility rules that make it easier for users to support it.

For Gem, I also noted how to transform my black background and white text blog into a traditional looking content to make it easier to print and archive. It is fast and easy to do.

Jan said...

Good podcast -- having severely handicapped children has made more aware of how many "normal" activities are difficult for many individuals. Being aware of the accommodation required to support handicapped inividuals in schools was a big help to us. URL: http://www.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/idea/idea2004.html