Thursday, July 31, 2008

CS 855 Notes from Second Life Conversation

The project for the class – this is a working idea. Responses welcome.

Take a 2d view of the network and make it 3d so you can fly or teleport from one application or area to another. Take a diagram of all the NOC (network operations center), the infrastructure, databases, applications and any touch points. Cast can take the 2d information gathered by Cast of all the applications and hardware and database and prototype a 3d world of the applications.

Consider receiving or calling a person on another floor or in another city and instantly be in a face to face via teleport to have the conversation and see the gestures in person. Open an application and get teleported to the exact data you are searching for.

Multiple offices in the country, how about a group of branches that when they send in their business teleport right to the location it belongs.

I’m proposing to prototype this maybe in several connected worlds for the project.

Second Life is great. I flew a flying ship without crashing tonight. Great fun!

1 comment:

Lyr Lobo said...

Think of your 3D objects as prototypes that can have external calls to resources over the web.

Programs in Second Life interact with external databases and other systems in a variety of ways, addressing those resources using its web address (http).

Now the question is, what kinds of behaviors and information would your model have? IBM has virtual world projects that do this today.

As we extend our vision, what other capabilities do you expect for the future? *smiles*